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Weight Gain Plan For Women

Tired of being called waif-thin, anorexic, or being told that you’re lucky for being scrawny, even though all you want are some curves? Do you find yourself looking enviously at your curvaceous friend as she walks in wearing that corset dress? Relax! With weight gain tips from Mickey Mehta, you can go from skinny to curvy in no time at all. And remember that planned weight gain shouldn’t show up at the wrong places, like the mid riff.  Simply remember these tips to gain weight the right way and with the right amount of lean muscle.

The right choice of food plays an important role in a weight gain plan. Food influences our thoughts, gives us energy and affects our wellness. The best way to increase weight is through increased intake of natural foods, like fruits, nuts, raw salads, sprouts, seeds, and herbs. If your goal is to gain weight and build a lean physique, eating the right food at the right time is important.  Remember: Gaining weight is not difficult. However, overloading on junk foods and sugary foods is not the right way to gain weight.

Guidelines for Gaining Weight the Sensible Way: 
ake sure you eat three to four basic meals every day. Never skip a meal. Don’t skip a meal. Increase calorie intake by 500 calories a day. In addition to the three regular meals, have three smaller meals though the day too. Include the mid-morning, mid-afternoon and evening snack to your plan. In order to gain weight, you need to regularize your food intake. Regular exercise and activity will help your body gain muscle and not unwanted flab. It will tone your body and will improve your overall sense of well being. Thirty minutes of physical activity everyday is enough.

If you are more active- you play a sport or your job requires more travel, you will have to increase your calorie intake which will help you gain weight and stay fit. Contrary to popular belief weight training does not make women bulky. Instead, it helps women build muscle mass, which in turn will increase their stamina.

Eat foods that are high in good fats like avocado, dry fruits, peanuts, peanut butter, ghee, olive oil etc. Add fibrous vegetables and salads. Include starchy vegetables like potato, sweet potato, yam, beans, bananas etc. Avoid all junk food, caffeine and deep fried foods. Eat healthy snacks in between meals like low fat cheese sandwiches, bananas, dry fruits, peanuts etc. Avoid high calorie sweets like chocolates, desserts and Indian sweets that will only add fat not muscle to your frame. Ensure that you consume adequate amounts of whole grains and proteins like beans, soya milk, tofu, nuts etc.

Tips for Gaining Weight the Healthy Way:
1. Include three- four servings of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. It is best to consume fruits in their natural form to get all the nutrients.
2. Skimmed or low fat milk and yogurt is recommended.
3. Make sure you get enough rest.
4. Add pistachios or roasted channa to your diet. Make them your evening munchies, as they help you lower risk of heart disease. Other snack ideas include whole wheat or multi grain bread/ soy sticks with hummus or peanut butter. Opt for salsa dips and chutneys as they are high on fibre and very healthy.
5. Instead of stocking up on chocolate as glucose boosters, try high-fibre, low sugar oat bars. These take care of your cravings.

The right combination of healthy food, exercise, right breathing, rest and sleep go a long way in a happier and healthier you. Once you’ve gained the right amount of weight that you desire to gain, you’ll realise that your naturally thin body will look far more toned and curved at the right places, than you ever thought possible!

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